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Get Better Winter Health

As is the case with many animals, humans have ritualistic over-eating tendencies once summer ends. It is during this time that we gain the most weight and have difficulty putting it off.
We are full swing into mid-September, which means we don’t have very long to go until an endless gorging of food. The local stores are already putting out bags full of candy bars and sugary treats for Halloween and it’s not even October. But it’s not just the kind of food we are eating that causes the weight gain, it is the lack of exercise and the increase in stress that keeps it on.
September means back-to-school. This puts pressure on parents and children that could result in unhealthy eating or snacking habits. We eat when we are stressed and the stress sometimes causes us to have trouble losing pounds. October is time for sweets like pie, candy, apple cider, and other sugar messes. If you’re going to eat some  junk, try and cut back by eating healthy alternatives in-between. Yogurt, fruit, and granola all have health benefits and are sweet in taste. And if you must pick a Halloween treat to hand out, chocolate is healthier than fructose hard candies. Also try organic candies (but don’t expect trick ‘r’ treaters to come knocking at your door).

As for November and Thanksgiving, cut back on the portions and the amount of servings. Spend more time conversing with friends and family because it will slow down your eating. Your body can take up to 20 minutes to signal your brain that you feel full. slower eating means eating less. Same goes for December. The calories don’t stop with hot cocoa, do they?
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